Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Misc [one]

So after many months of working without a single holiday, in this month of August, I had two holidays. Independence day, 15th August and Eid, 20th August. 15th was a Wednesday, so had to go to work on Thursday and Friday. Had a nice three day weekend, from Saturday till Monday.

My brother is here and it was his birthday in the three day weekend, so it was all the more fun! I caught up on four movies - two in the theater - Ek Tha Tiger starring my all time fav actor since childhood, Salman Khan and The Dark Knight Rises. I hadn't watched the first part of the Batman series so I caught up on the first part - Batman Begins last night. And I'm glad I did because I wouldn't understand the whole story behind how Bruce Wayne becomes Batman et al. I had watched the second one of the series - The Dark Knight, but watched it as it is, as a solo movie rather than a series. Now it all falls into place. Well, I must say, impressive performance by Christian Bale and Chris Nolan, well you are a genius. After The Illusionist, I have nothing more to say except that you are one of the best and one of my fav directors. I watched Cocktail earlier in the evening.

And so, my three day weekend comes to an end, and its back to usual from tomorrow. At least I won't have the Monday blues but looks like I'm going to have Mardi blues!

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