Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Irony of Life

I think there is something in my stars. The repetition of certain circumstances occur periodically in my life at a fixed time of the year (since three years precisely) and in a similar pattern. Not going into the details of the occurrences but going into the underlining philosophy of such pattens, I have observed that they occur at the beginning of the year after a few months have elapsed. All these occurrences are highly disturbing, unexpected which made me totally dejected and upset. But by far the occurrence this year has been the most profound and most unexpected.

Sometimes I just wonder, well not sometimes but nowadays all the time, that why is it that destiny is always playing games with me only? But I know it's not just me but there are many more such souls in the world.. But I give solace to my heart thinking there is currently some problem in my kismet which will be resolved soon, how soon, I cannot say. Maybe I am wrong and things indeed do happen for one's own good (as I once honestly and sincerely believed), but looking back upon my life I fail to see how certain events in my life have proved to be beneficial for me and my family. I don't want to enter details but I have now come to realize that these sayings are just like putting a bandage upon a wound to heal the wound to make you a stronger person without having been subjected to human experimentation.

Right now, I stand upon a road engraved on all sides with the words 'uncertainty'. Well yes, things have become certain, certain things which I believed to be certain turned out to be wholly uncertain, and this uncertainty has become certain. What the future holds for me, that I do not know nor am I in a position to comment. But as mentioned by me in an earlier post and I will stand by it and repeat it - 'Always expect the unexpected'. Nothing is certain in this world and never trust people with your heart, otherwise you will land on you face when you fall from a height and the person who promised to hold you withdraws his hands and allows you to fall and also in certain circumstances, enjoys seeing you fall.

If I had it my way...

Disclaimer: Stories below contain spoilers. So if you haven't watched the below mentioned movies and intend to watch them in the near future, please refrain from reading this article or do so at your own peril.

There are many kinds of stories. Stories that amuse us, fascinate us, intrigue us, thrill us, stories that make us cry, stories that we can relate to, stories that form a part of our lives.

However, there are always some stories that we wish it had a different ending. At least I do. Some stories are so beautiful and I wish it to end beautifully as well. But guess what, I am not the author/script writer of that story. So obviously the author/script writer will pen down his thoughts and his feelings about how the story should end. Yes, definitely he has the sole right to do so but there's no harm wishing that is could have a different ending, at least in my brain!

So here are a few stories incorporated as movies which have disturbed me quite often and I sincerely wish they had a different ending that how they actually are:

1. Gone with the Wind : This remains my best and most favourite movie till date. When I first saw it, I so fell in love with it, that is indescribable. I have watched it numerous times and I adore Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara (also Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh for essaying their respective roles brilliantly). A romantic story set amidst the turbulent civil war in America. A romantic story with a very unhappy ending. I just can't digest the fact that Rhett leaves Scarlett when realization finally dawns on her that she loves Rhett and not Ashley. I know Rhett loved her a lot and gave her everything she wanted. But he knew that she thought that she loved Ashley and Rhett married her despite knowing it all. Then when she realizes that it was Rhett whom she actually loved, why did he leave her? If I had my way, I would definitely never let Rhett leave Scarlett for anything in the world.

2. Rebecca : A masterpiece by Daphne Du Maurier and a very well made movie as well by Alfred Hitchcock. Though the movie is a bit different in the script, overall it is a good rendition. The disturbing part in this story is that why did Daphne allow the sinister Mrs. Danvers to burn Manderly, the impressive Manderly? I mean I know she was a psycho loyalist of Rebecca but was burning Manderly the best she could do? If I had it my way, I would like Manderly to stay as it is.

3. A Message in a Bottle : A beautiful, poignant love story with the most depressive ending. Everything was falling into place then why did Nicholas Sparks have to kill the character played by Kevin Costner? The film would be so perfect if he hadn't died. Sob sob!

4. Dil to Pagal hai : I always liked Karisma Kapoor when I was a little girl. And I liked her a lot in the movie. I always sympathized with her and wanted Shah Rukh to fall in love with her. But Madhuri had to come in between. I stopped liking Madhuri after that movie. If I had it my way, Madhuri should have played Karisma's character and vice versa.

5. Kites : I still don't quite understand what was the purpose of killing both Hrithik and Barbara in the end? I mean couldn't they live happily ever after? I'm sure this was one of the sole reasons why the film flopped. If I had it my way, I would not kill both the protagonists in this otherwise seemingly boring flick.

6. Delhi 6 : If I had it my way, I would never have made this movie! One of the most utterly useless movies ever made and I still can't believe I went to a theater to watch it!