Friday, September 4, 2009

Just A Thought

I leave my house in the morning to reach my destination of college/work. I come across and pass by numerous faces, each unique and each telling a story of its own. It makes me wonder. Every person I see is a person who is loved by and dear to somebody. Each day is a new day. One day might just change your life or it might just break your life. You might just realize your dream and embark on the path of miracles while on other instances, you might just shatter your dream and thereafter, nursing your bleeding heart may take decades.

My outward side used to seem cheerful enough to all the people who interacted with me. It just makes me appreciate the poem I studied in school by a Nigerian author about the masks worn on the faces of people all around us. It seems quite apt as to what I felt inside could not be seen by others. I might be burning with pain and solitude internally but portrayed a calm and composite exterior. That is how we all are. But one thing is undisputed, when you are happy and exuberant from your mind and soul, the body reciprocates heartily. The feeling of happiness and joy percolates from your heart into your smile, your laugh, your talk, your body language, and your energetic mannerisms. It has happened with me as to when I was sincerely in a cheerful spirit; my friends thought I was drunk! That is because you seem so excited and ready to talk and do everything you feel like. It is indeed rightly said “High on Life”. Contentment is a natural drug which if you are lucky enough to have; you don’t need the ‘real’ drugs.

I always want to think of myself as an Optimist. But I wondered as to what really is optimism? People, some quite learned have described it in a variety of ways. What I have come to believe is that it is not necessary that an optimist person has to think positive in all the various situations which he encounters daily. Things might just not go right for you for months and years at a stretch. In these times, even an optimist person might get pessimistic on life and will start tending to believe that nothing is going right for him. But a true optimist is one who though he is shadowed temporarily by clouds of pessimism, believes that ultimately things will turn out in his favour. He doesn’t stop dreaming. My favorite word since quite some time is ‘Dreaming’. This word arouses a beautiful feeling in me and makes me feel so glad, now I really don’t know why? There is no limit to a person’s dreams. As they say sky is the limit, but incase of dreaming there is absolutely NO limit. I too dream and I dream about things which if I think pragmatically will never come true. But again that does not deter my spirits and I go on dreaming. I attended a function in college some days back and there was one lady who spoke to us on that occasion. She seemed quite smart and what I liked about her was that she was a perfect epitome of a confident person. She spoke on the importance of wishing and dreaming and moving ahead in life. She told each and every one of us to read ‘The Secret’. Personally I have read bits and pieces of that book and at that point of time, I found it boring. Today I vent an opposite view though.

Again the main issue which will arise is that who doesn’t want to be happy and cheerful? Everybody does. It is not a personal choice in which we are asked ‘Hey do you want happiness?’ No, things aren’t that easy, at least in this big world. I am no scholar of Philosophy nor am I God to answer why some of us are more fortunate than the others. I would just like to believe that true inner desire and hard work is the key to success. If a person is hard working, his results will pay off some day or the other. Your kismet might be doing a U-Turn and moving in an opposite direction to where you want to move but hard work does count. Finally I feel that all must dream and keep on wishing. Who knows, your wish might just be coming true!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I sit in the year 2009, trying to envision what it must have felt like in the year 1947 on this very day, the 15th of August. 15th August, a day etched in the mind of every citizen of India as the day when the country was freed from the shackles of Imperialism and Colonization. This day is always reminisced by me as the day when as a child, I used to paint the tricolor on paper and staple it to a straw and flutter it around my house. It is hard to visualize as to how the turn of events took place leading to our Independence. I have read about the whole freedom struggle in my school textbooks and seen movies and clippings of it all. Sitting in a free country, a progressive nation, a nuclear power, the largest democracy, I and many of my generation might just forget the amount of patriotism, devotion, loyalty, courage and heroism it took to bring our country at this stage.

The Independence was not a ‘sigh of relief’ and a source of immense joy for all Indians in the year 1947. The moment of pride was drowned in the colour of red. Partition was inevitable but the consequences that followed, it is better left unsaid. The task of rebuilding a nation looted ruthlessly over the centuries was an uphill task. I cannot help but mention that the politicians of that era were true visionaries and worked with a feeling so pure to see the country stand upon its feet on the path of prosperity. They had a clear conscience and wanted to provide all citizens- rich and poor the same opportunity for development.

India has progressed, it sure has. I was watching a TV programme yesterday in which Shekhar Kapoor (Director) mentioned that India is still resting on the three pillars of ‘Kisan’, ‘Jawan’ and ‘Mazdoor’. It is to an extent true. How ever progressive the country has become, we all should be indebted to the farmers and the defense forces. However, a lot needs to be done. What the world is seeing is one side of a coin - the Super Power and developed India with the Ambanis’, Mittals’ and Tatas’. Unfortunately this Shining India is not even a mere 0.1% of the real India. It sounds cliché but majority of the people are still BPL. Problems of drinking water, education, infrastructure, basic amenities are still manifested even in urban cities lest rural towns and villages.

On a much optimistic note, on this day, I do look forward to see India grow. India may be called ‘developing’ presently but even the West knows the latent potency and power this second-largest populated country holds. We have the brains, the skill and the resources. We just need to bring in more transparency and do away with corruption (I guess I am hoping for too much!).

Even today, the feeling of patriotism is embedded in the hearts of all. Whenever I hear ‘Aye mere watan ke logon’ by Lata Mangeshkar, my eyes dwell up with moisture. The deadly combination of the voice, the lyrics and the music is just very beautiful and inspiring. Long live the Nation! Jai Hind.

To quote my favorite Para of the historic speech ‘The Tryst with Destiny’ made by Pandit Nehru on the eve of India’s Independence:

“Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity”.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Concoction of Creativity

A paper and ink is all that it takes for creativity to flow. Times are changing. Now you can just type it out on the electronic medium and with added editing options, writing is made much easier. But what matters and which hasn’t changed nor will it ever change is the ability to jot down your thoughts- your creativity.

The human brain is very complex and I humbly salute the creator who was generous in his endowment of creativity by creating this masterpiece. I am also obliged to the human brain precisely the early medical practitioners who studied it, examined it and christened its components with divine creativity. It is a grateful boon that they named the brain parts- Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Medulla oblongata, Amygdala, Hippocampus… Majority of us hearing such creative and difficult to digest names did not wish to pursue biology as a separate entity and those of us (including me) who loved reading about the creative body parts and took up biology, ran away from studying medicine when we had to learn the creative functions and the juxtaposition of these creatively created organs.

Now coming back to the process of creativity, after expressing my regards to the most creative structure on this earth, I proceed on to say that along with the brain; experiences form the basis of the process of creativity. Stimuli to the brain in the form of experiences make the brain functional and the thought process is initiated, where the person starts linking the different personal experiences, opinions and ideas formulated over a period of time with the current need of the hour and out comes a unique creative piece. Of course there are various other factors which add to this reception. It may be inputs received from other people or reading about that particular topic or even seeing visuals which leave a lasting imprint upon the mind. This is where a person’s analogical skills are displayed. An analytical brain is the soul of creativity.

After analyzing the myriad impulses, the person brings the creative piece into existence by his acquired or innate skills. Innate will be the degree of intelligence and your analytical skills. Acquired will be your grammar, vocabulary and sentence formation skills for writing; drawing, mixing hues and paint strokes for painting; training, learning and retention capacity for professions like architecture, engineering, designing, law etc.. Lawyers ofcourse sometimes do come up with great creativity in creating contentions for their clients in matters of defence. Unfortunately or fortunately, doctors have to abide by the creative process as adopted by the founding fathers of their profession while performing surgeries. God help those patients who fall prey to the creative doctor’s artistic instincts.

Whenever I think of creativity, my mind races to the creatively carved buildings designed by Howard Roark in The Fountainhed. Who is creative? We tend to think the character Roark but it is Ayn Rand who created this imaginary character so vividly. People superficially get mesmerized by the creation but it is the creator who is the authentic captain. It is another powerful ability possessed by great literary artists to create such a character so that people tend to remember and associate themselves to that imaginary creation.

Creativity is omnipotent and omnipresent. There will be no flavor, no fun, no frolic, and no fantasy without creativity. Look around yourself, your computer and laptops too are an embodiment of creativity coupled with intelligence. Take yourself – your clothes, hairstyle, slippers, room, house, building, colony, city, country and why do I forget ‘YOU’, are also just a magnificent and a beautiful piece of creativity!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Something Wonderful..

Let me play you a song,
A melody, immersed in the tunes of eons.

Something wonderful,
My heart begins to sing ..

It will remind you of the days gone by,
When you and I were probably just nine .

We sat in your garden and played Tra-la-da,
The echoes of that tune, I fight to remember .

Something wonderful,
My heart begins to sing ..

The emotions of nostalgia rush to me like a wave,
Making me terribly melancholic from which I cannot escape .

How I wish I could turn back the time,
Is it possible if I pay a dime?

Something wonderful,
My heart begins to sing ..

I pick up the violin,
My fingers struggling with the strings .

You sit beside me and touch my hand,
And the music plays as if radiated from a magic wand .

Something wonderful,
My heart begins to sing ..

Those years gone by,
Seem just like yesterday .

Today you are amidst me,
And we enter twenty nine..

Sometimes I Sporadically Wonder...

Sometimes I sporadically wonder,
Stressing my senses to ponder over,
Issues which are perhaps irrelevant for others,
But which for me arises curiosity in greatest numbers.

There maybe a scientific explanation for each happening..
But that does not stop me from thinking..
As to why the sky shines blue,
Instead of a myriad hue.

Are the ants blessed with the power of speech?
If it is so, why can’t it reach me?
Is it true that bats are blind?
Assuming so, then how do they function their minds?

They say dreams occasionally come true..
What are these dreams and why do they make me so woo?
Why do they manifest occasionally and are latent for a few?
Besides why only for a few and not for the other few?

These are my questions for you,
Is there really a ‘you’ or aren’t we all just ‘I’s?
I am ‘I’ and you are ‘you’..
Do you finally get the cue?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The turmoil of unforeseen uncertainty I am going through right now is better felt than described in words. The phrase that ‘ Nothing in life goes according to plans ‘ is so true and meaningful and I have never before felt the need of saying it so explicitly. Atleast in my case whatever I plan is dis-shelved before implementation. Well to think about it, obviously not all but sometimes the major important decisions.

I don’t know what to attribute this to? An unseen mystical force or maybe the mere dependence on an external unconnected entity, be it a person or an event. Something like contingent happenings. It is probably one of the reasons as to why things do not follow the destined path of careful and planned execution.

Right now I am shadowed by the cloud of uncertainty. It is more like the cloud of disappointment due to uncertainty. I can’t help but recall ‘The Doctrine of Eclipse’, which I recently studied in Constitutional Law. WHATEVER!! Besides who wouldn’t be disappointed when a particular dream of many months is shattered? Mine is. But to think of it I totally believe that ‘Everything happens for one’s own good’ so maybe in this shattered dream, there lies a hidden wonderful surprise.. Maybe. Again a possibility.

My senses are committing havoc in my mind but my brain prevails over my senses and calms it down. I am optimistic and as I said a hopeless one. So I will do what I can do best and that is pray and hope for a little ‘Felix Felis’ ( for those who don’t read Harry Potter, Felx Felis is the name of a lucky portion), to cast away these clouds of uncertainty over my head and to restore sunshine. Wishing myself ‘Good Luck’! No matter what anybody says a hundred times, I believe in luck and will always pray for ‘Good Luck’.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Life is Beautiful

The most prominent and acknowledged characteristic of a Sagittarian is ‘OPTIMISM’. I am a Sagi but I don’t know how far am I an optimistic person? Voltaire has put optimism to be the madness of insisting that all is well when a person is miserable. I really don’t quite agree with him totally but yes optimism is the positive approach to life and to think that ‘All Will be Well’, even if presently things are not too bright. Sometimes I’m clouded by shadows of utter pessimism while at times I’m hopelessly optimistic.

The corollary to optimism is your attitude towards life. I never thought nor believed life to be beautiful. I knew of a movie named so and I thought the phrase to be just a title and not implementable in real life. Life is good – sometimes happy and sometimes sad. But a friend of mine loyally sticks by this phrase ALL the time! It made me wonder whether people tend to say it for the heck of saying it or whether they really mean it…

Nobody’s life is perfect. Even if life’s perfect for a period of time, it is a transitory state which is dynamic. But as I thought deeper, it made me realize that there is not one person on this Earth who thinks that he is bereft of problems. And if you come up to me and say “Look I seriously don’t have any problems at all in my life”, I will blatantly refuse to believe you. You might not want to tell me your problems but every human being capable of feeling and experiencing emotions, have some or the other problem relating to a particular aspect of life.

So when everyone has problems, we just have to accept it as a way of life. Life is Supreme, the Giver. We just take what life offers and throws at us. The earlier we learn to accustom and acclimatize ourselves to the tunes of life, the better coped we are to overcome its vicissitudes.

Coming back to Life is Beautiful, I pondered many a times and have come to understand that we should just enjoy every moment of life be it one of sorrow or despair or one of joy or delight. Whatever way we look at it, life is indeed very beautiful.

The greatest gift God has given us is birth on this Earth as human beings. Hence the challenges we face in life are just the wrappings and packaging of the gift endowed to us. We must cherish this gift. Since I have started believing in ‘Life is Beautiful’, I assume the Sagittarian trait in me has become more pronounced. And yes, I thank my friend for teaching me this, albeit unintentionally!

The Beginning

Welcome Me. It has been a long time since I wanted to start blogging. After numerous attempts, the conquering of my procrastinative behavior has finally laid the foundation stone of this blog. Aditi’s blog!

Well blogging means different things to different people, who use it as a tool to voice out their opinions, feelings, emotions, knowledge, wisdom and anything and everything. I am no different and will definitely try to use this medium to do as I please.

As I put it – This is just the beginning!