The most prominent and acknowledged characteristic of a Sagittarian is ‘OPTIMISM’. I am a Sagi but I don’t know how far am I an optimistic person? Voltaire has put optimism to be the madness of insisting that all is well when a person is miserable. I really don’t quite agree with him totally but yes optimism is the positive approach to life and to think that ‘All Will be Well’, even if presently things are not too bright. Sometimes I’m clouded by shadows of utter pessimism while at times I’m hopelessly optimistic.
The corollary to optimism is your attitude towards life. I never thought nor believed life to be beautiful. I knew of a movie named so and I thought the phrase to be just a title and not implementable in real life. Life is good – sometimes happy and sometimes sad. But a friend of mine loyally sticks by this phrase ALL the time! It made me wonder whether people tend to say it for the heck of saying it or whether they really mean it…
Nobody’s life is perfect. Even if life’s perfect for a period of time, it is a transitory state which is dynamic. But as I thought deeper, it made me realize that there is not one person on this Earth who thinks that he is bereft of problems. And if you come up to me and say “Look I seriously don’t have any problems at all in my life”, I will blatantly refuse to believe you. You might not want to tell me your problems but every human being capable of feeling and experiencing emotions, have some or the other problem relating to a particular aspect of life.
So when everyone has problems, we just have to accept it as a way of life. Life is Supreme, the Giver. We just take what life offers and throws at us. The earlier we learn to accustom and acclimatize ourselves to the tunes of life, the better coped we are to overcome its vicissitudes.
Coming back to Life is Beautiful, I pondered many a times and have come to understand that we should just enjoy every moment of life be it one of sorrow or despair or one of joy or delight. Whatever way we look at it, life is indeed very beautiful.
The greatest gift God has given us is birth on this Earth as human beings. Hence the challenges we face in life are just the wrappings and packaging of the gift endowed to us. We must cherish this gift. Since I have started believing in ‘Life is Beautiful’, I assume the Sagittarian trait in me has become more pronounced. And yes, I thank my friend for teaching me this, albeit unintentionally!